Good horsie

The Year of the Wood Horse is upon us.


Some astrologers have predicted a year that is rife with conflict as people are likely to be more stubborn with their needs and principles, a result of the year’s “yang” energy. While business negotiations will be a pain in the arse, the good news is that people dealing in wood or fire will see a better year ahead. Since my business is in newspapers and magazines, hurrah!

I was born in the Year of the Metal Monkey and at least two renowned astrologers in Singapore have predicted a relatively smooth year for me, although work will build up (as long as I have a job in such troubled economic times, who cares!) and my marriage will be strained as a result. Take more leaves from work and travel to strengthen the marriage bond, they prescribed.

That’s great! The husband and I have already two vacations booked for the first half of this year – Hong Kong in a couple of days’ time and Japan for the cherry blossom season in April.

Whether or not the stars have good fortunes planned for me, I believe in spending as much time as possible with the people I love and in doing the right thing. Karma can be a bitch, you know!

Here’s wishing all of you a prosperous and peaceful Year of the Wood Horse, and may Lady Luck bestow endless favours upon you.

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